Then we will be considering a number of concepts that apply during the development of any hand. This is one of the more controversial topics and more controversial, since all players and those who have written about this game, are considered owners and owners of the truth in that sense I will give you my views on the matter:
01.-The departure is the beginning of the information transmitted to the partner, therefore it should be as clearly as possible, I particularly insist that the output should be increased twice accompanied I in hair, in the case of such uncomfortable doubles as: (44 double, double 55 and 66 double).
02. In the case of having a hand from regular to bad and step uncomfortable with more reason doubles must leave in hair and with the greatest double, always with a prolonged pause, indicating that our game is bad or mediocre and we are coming out in hair, or we do not like the stone by which we are coming out with this break,, it must be perfectly clear: the hand to play will be totally DEFENSIVE.
03 When we are in the presence of players method, and rises more than one double of which two are in hair (example) five double and double six, must leave with the greatest in hair making a prolonged pause, do not believe me that probably is it ahorcarán, anyway, always the double major accompanied or in hair with prior break and that our colleague search the strength of our game if it is that we have of there to down, do not the Salidor, will be running the risk that until the same mate ahorque you twice in hair.
04.-Many maintain the criterion that only should leave in hair, when once coupled with seven (7) raised stones, these do not exceed thirty-eight (38) many, this part of a logical reasoning that it's a light hand, where risks of amount or ambush regrettable, did not occur but I will continue to insist, the output is the basis of the information to provide the partner Therefore you must illustrate this all the time in our game from the first move, it is better to leave in hair, which mislead the companion with a departure from three sticks to double, which does not indicate strength, simply a passive hand and might slightly turn attack, but with double six inside, not Maybe attack becomes more well defensively, however once placed this uncomfortable leaving, double can convert our game in one hand of attack, but having a hidden double and this is the double six, double five or four double, I do not think that you it's attack, then that we're doing, simply deceive the partner. Also if you give us the opportunity of going to bed him, which we do, maybe going to paste by the other side, we are playing Dominos rather than hide and seek, therefore I see no practicality to hide and deceive partner going out for a double minor, on the other hand in the case which is submit the Tranca partner, as it is going to decipher that we have hidden double six Double double four, or five or whatever sorcerer.
05.-They will tell me the reason and the basis to assert this situation, because well it is simple since the beginning of these comments I came holding the Domino is a game of information since the first stone placed, therefore the valid is the second or third play to carry out or where is can indicate the strength of the game we have if in case there is, otherwise will be fully attentive to accompany our colleague in the decisions and moves to the carry out. Therefore when you have to leave with a bad game (more than one double and hair), is when more care should be observed in the development of the hand and will be based on this opportunity to win or go to the discarding of many, i.e., it will always be a defensive hand.
06 I infer in the following, it is likely a hand that we tap out, lift four about twice as well as double six and six five, leaving by double one is breaking the hand is true and is even possible present us the tranca, but that we are going to do when this happens if I still have double six and six five and these addition so many 23reverts with those two stones is like committing suicide or thrown into a ravine, why insist they must check out with the greater double in hair, or accompanied by, and in the alleged case to submit the tranca partner, how it will decipher that we have six five with double six (will witch), and having left for double one less than ever, therefore the output in hair will always be correct I with the greater double accompanied with a long or short, pause that we dislike the stone why we are leaving and at the first opportunity you have to show the strength of the game you have.
07.-Finally you must infer as follows, there are people who believe that leaving the double accompanied and not in hair, we are avoiding stick bug, but have not been to think that leaving entry in hair with prior break, they have to punish her instead and the partner (if any), suddenly and is the most sure start with a stone that makes us most in our game, in few words failures can not hide, the doubles in hair must vote them especially if they are uncomfortable doubles (44, 55 and 66), remember always the best friend of the Domino "Las Tranca" player, imagine that you touch my partner the Tranca, leaving I for double six with pause is prolonged in hair, having played only three six and him there is noneIt would be easy decision reverts the hand, since that would have the full conviction that the opponents have in their possession the 04 remaining six.
Well conclude by saying this: the basis of the modern dominoes is the information, therefore it must be the most appropriate in the development of the hand. Dominoes is a game between two and these in turn make couples, therefore there is to be more clear from the exit and in each and every one of the rounds of the hand. One final comment that has happened to all, imagine picking up a hand of three each, three two and double six in hair, think a moment, if we go by any that we have three clubs, i.e. one or two, or one two if you have, at any time we will be doing most of the one or two rather we are delivering the game of one and two, now imagine that we started on double six in hair and the player on the right starts six one and our colleague automatically starts six two, good our hand happens to be of attack and dominant that it will surely end trancando with the combination of one and two, that we will stop majority since the first stone played by contrary to my right and by our colleague.
The Mixed Output
As I've been telling them the output responds to principles and foundations of the dominoes, when stood up seven stones and we note that we have no doubles, the first thing you need to do a good player is to join as it amount seven raised stones, if these addition more than forty-two (42) many (quarter of the total of points totaling the Dominos tabs)shall be deemed a high hand, therefore must leave indicating the partner we have a game high, the same is true if they total less than so many 42 would come out with a stone low indicating that our hand is light or low of so many, this principle allows to guide the initial moves, if we started on a high stone and our colleague also has a game that exceeds many 42 They should never start the game of white and one, that probably will be in the hands of the opponents should lead the hand with many avoiding the low game development and strategy trying to vote from the initial stones many.
On the basis that the dominoes is a game "Tag", and success is achieved based on the information that is transmitted to the partner, and taking the advantage of the output, i.e., we can tell our colleague the quality of the raised hand, strength or our weakness and pass if our game is high or low partner of the salidor you shall also indicate his game, so if your game is also high, logically the low game is in the hands of the opponents and they could prepare an ambush where can take us the largest number of many, in few words can not go on the fault punishing or chasing a double stop, much less if this is (white)(a few and two), that they acostaran them and develop hand in hand very carefully and with the instinct of conservation, i.e. voting many to the maximum.
How many times have observed that they are mixed and they lose more of 40 points, it is precisely what I want to convey, be very careful if they have a high game (forbidden paste with failure if it is low), in Domino there is no second chances, if not properly develop hand in hand with the forecasts of the case, the risk is definitely significant.
Again the key will always be the information you transmit to his partner, from the first play to start. Also I am involved that if our partner has a game and attack, we immediately viraremos driving in hand towards this game, trying to prepare an ambush the contrary, for tying the greatest number of so many, aim at a good player of Domino (take the largest number of so many and avoid to they get it to him.
The Second Stone Move by The Salidor:
Second stone or move tab after having left joint, is one of the most contentious played, we already know as you must exit when there are no doubles in the hand, however I will make a brief account:
1) thing we realize (eye still insist on this), if our game is high or low, as define it, adding a total of seven (7) chips raised points, i.e. If these addition 42 points or more, the game is obviously high, otherwise the game is low.
2) To go out with a tab high you will be indicating to our partner that our game adds more than 42 points, so be careful to hit with a stone floor, that he would be delivering the game to opposites, running the consequences of an ambush, i.e. that bind you or grip many still being the Salidor's hand.
3) Obviously must leave by the tab to indicate initially our game, i.e. If we have three or four of the same suit, go for one of them. Now, under normal conditions, i.e. gets mixed and following players go the respective doubles of the departure, the player (D) or the bottom of the hand, start us a tab that we presume as stone attack or have this initial failure, as punishing one of the tips of our departure, here the most indicated he is thinking courseie If you have two or three that we are going to punish, indicating our colleague that we have one or more of one of which we are punishing him we will also be conveying very possibly we have which is starting the player (D) and finally we like the stone with which we are punishing. In cases where our colleague passes through some of the tips of our departure, immediately hit with the fault or less we have in order to open game to our partner, because we automatically shift one-handed offensive a defensive opening game to our colleague and trying to get out of the many handmade also we would be preparing for a possible renewal of the hand.
The second stone or tab that we must start in normal, i.e. to taste, should be with the tab but we have, i.e. inform our colleague, as well as the mixed tips listed in our output in this way, we like the tab we are entering, this guide is definitive in the development of the hand, our colleague should realize immediately that we have a good hand and attack, and may at any time redirect hand towards the stone started in second by the Salidor, also at the time of defining or analyze the solution in hand, the guide is clear and categorical, certainly it can be inferred that stone fits in the hand to our colleague, saying, when he punished his departure made him will beginning the stone that most liked Surely you it will be one of them.
As failing to understand this reasoning, I pregono Domino speaks in each one of their rounds, going by saying that stone we like and which makes us damage, I will continue telling my students that the basis of this game is the attention and focus that we dedicate to each round of the hand and especially the plays of our colleague, I repeat the results of one hand any is based and is based on the consequences, i.e. in the development of the hand, if it is not played correctly, the results will be harmful.
Example I witnessed: two excellent players members of the national team of Venezuela, passed them the following: comes with 65 one of them, the partner had three six to punish, i.e. theoretically had the death of the six double which was identified in the "d" player, well made it inconceivable, punished with the fault (the white) to try to kill the six double results were not expected, lost the hand and got you so many 53, this type of action is unforgivable and often say when it happens, well from now on sales you all the time. Disrespect to the high game is Domino lapidario, as picking up a game after handing over many 53 on the contrary, when here in Venezuela games play until so many 100 and step out, unforgivable under all the senses, so they think and act on the contents of these lines and increasingly will be made more strong in the Domino tag the base of success is the information and the care which must be with the high game, return to one of the principles of the Domino, take the largest number of so many and avoid that the contrary take you them. Until the next installment.