domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

Individual Tournament Results Opening of the Miranda State Association

Dear friends, during the day was played Saturday 01/22/2011 at Sub Club Facilities Officers of the Armed Forces located in the Maya - La Rinconada, the first event for Domino Association of Miranda State Tournament Individual Opening "really Competition remained fierce from beginning to the end, we were all aware that you have to start the year in good position and thereby gain the necessary points to belong to the selection of Miranda State, the will of the President and Members of the Board of Directors of the Association, addressed the logistics of the Organization, making the best of his will, organizing and attending to the formalities relating to the Contest, we must recognize all the efforts and best wishes in carrying out of the 1st. Event State Authority.

Next Event Results "Torneo Aperture Miranda State:

Medalla de Oro: Andrés Nagy / con 8 Ganados y 1 Perdido.
Medalla de Plata: Aida Rodríguez / con 8 Ganados y 1 Perdido.
Medalla de Bronce: Carlos Marquina / con 7 Ganados y 2 Perdidos.
4to. Puesto: Francisco Oyarzábal / con 7 Ganados y 2 Perdidos.
5to. Puesto: PascuaL Darbisi / con 7 Ganados y 2 Perdidos.
6to. Puesto: Luis Marquina / con 6 Ganados y 3 Perdidos.
7mo. Puesto Elvira Ibañez / con 6 Ganados y 3 Perdidos.
8vo. Puesto: Adlagisa Vásquez / con 6 Ganados y 3 Perdidos.
9no. Puesto: Iraida Ramos / con 6 Ganados y 3 Perdidos.
10mo. Puesto: Arnaldo Sotillo / con 6 Ganados y 3 Perdidos.

Friends, as you can see the results once again dominated the Ladies showed off Mirandino as four positions in the Top Ten Places Competition, showing its high sense of competence and quality of play, my most sincere congratulations for each one of them. Until the next installment.

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