martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

Beloved Children Children - Abkhazia 2011

With profound masters of the "Alma", we participated in one of the more love Openings and solemnity, for our beloved children Children.

The Delegacioaes attending the VIII World Domino Cmpeonato Team and Individual-Abkhazia - 2011, we transferred the Hotel Inter Sukhum dede, to the "Memorial Square", where all attendees Athlete honor the Abkhazian People's Heroes, with Solenne get used by the men and women of good will.

Then we walked through the streets of the city, dirigiéndonos the Philharmonic Theatre, through its streets and avenues, where the Abkhazian town located on the sidewalks of the streets gave us a warm welcome with applause and cheers, all were wearing Delegations the colors of their respective nations, the head of the walk were a group of children co balloons in the colors of the Flag of Abkhazia, until we reached the theater, where they released the beautiful sky balloons, just at the door of the Theatre the body dances, performed by a group of wonderful children Beloved Country Soul Children, kicking off the opening acts of the VIII World Domino Championship Team Abkhazia - 2011.

Joy Among People Laughing uin, sings and dances her beautiful Folklore, we were pleasantly surprised with the beautiful display of all Nations Bnderas asistetes really was a loving act perceived by all participants, Children and Authorities suevemente Abkhazian people embraced each of our hearts, making it quedrán moentos recorded live in our humanity for ever and ever.
The protocol used was decorated with the active participation of ur beloved children, who filled the scene through their dances and beautiful smiles, engalardonando all corners of the theater.
Distinguished Authorities then took the Abkhazian People's giving us a warm welcome to the City of Alma - Abkhazia 2011, also had the participation of several Presidents of the Domino Federciones attendees, culminating in the words of Don LUCAS GUITTARD, President of the Federation International Domino "FID", decreeing VIII opened the World Domino Championship Team and Individual - Abkhazia 2011.

Completion of the Acts, we invite you to walk to the Malecon bordering the Black Sea, where we were pleasantly surprised so with the "Fireworks", to the delight of all attending nations, thus ending the opening ceremony of Abkhazia Domino 2011.

I must say that I was totally shocked to experience the fraternal embrace that gently caress each of our hearts, full of warmth, fellowship and unfortunately many have forgotten and did not feel long.
Abkhazian friends, their traditions, culture and beautiful Cotubres, filled us with love and sentiment to see expressed in the ROTR of each of your children the love of neighbor, the country really are the "soul", receive from this humble column, my admiration for the beauty of their dances and customs are definitely hard to make us an opening match so beautiful and so heartfelt, “Bravo to each of you, are and always will be the Country of the Soul”.

I dedicate this to all the people thinking Abajaso. BELOVED CHILDREN CHILDREN SUFFER NO MORE OR MOURN, A PEOPLE LAUGH dancing and will never be defeated.

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