lunes, 9 de enero de 2012


Dear friends: best wishes that during this new year 2012, enjoy many happy and above all good health for all. Then the message annual of the President of the Federation International of Domino, my dear friend don Lucas Guittrad.

President’s Annual Message
January 2012

This demonstration of nobility was totally described in the splendorous FID, Domino World Championship celebrated in the city of Sukhum, Republic of Abjasia.

The Sport of Domino majestically decked itself in front of the sportive organization, beautiful and integrating in which medals were the peace and the harmony among the countries, demonstrating that the athletes who form the FID, are the ambassadors of hope.

It is evidently clear, that the FID is moving with technical and talent towards excellence in the world championships celebrations: The Fair Play is being imposed, indispensable in all vigorous competition.

In the other hand, the Domino is integrative and focuses its principles in the union of countries, of its people. It penetrates in the culture that is part of our values and in the passion of the athletes in the way of vital energy. It generates the profound knowledge of strategy, where 60% is of Information and 40% is of Interpretation, demanding intellectual acuity, where we must assume defense and attack attitudes.

And beginning with this year, we have determined to incorporate into our championships the Feminine Individual modality, with the end of recognizing the participation of the ladies in the Sport of Domino and bestow its true importance, stimulate it, and incentivize it. Ladies, please receive my most sincere sympathy and affection for this lovely decision.

In this arduous labor, we are leaving a legacy of pride and conscience towards the International Competitive Domino Presence, possibly considering that some assignment is still pending.

With my highest level of affection towards the directives and athletes who always accompany us, and to the invaluable working group of our Board of Directors, demonstrating their intense love towards the Sport of Domino, I dedicate these words: “Our sport has lights and shadows; however, the best is still to come.”

President FID

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