sábado, 7 de abril de 2012

News of the international Domino - International Federation of Dominos "FID"

Dear friends, in pleasant conversation held with my famous and dear friend Don LUCAS GUITTRAD, were exchanging ideas about what is happening at the national and international levels in the universe of the Domino, showing me the actions undertaken as a result of what has happened in the world of Jamaica 2012. In this regard and with the sole intention of keeping them informed, verbatim below, describe the News International of the Domino organized, provided by the International Federation of Domino "FID", through its President Mr. DON LUCAS GUITTARD.

IDF - IDF information meeting:
From 24 to 27 April, will be assembled in the city of Orlando, FL., the four main members of the Board of Directors of the FID: Lucas Guittard, Ricardo Arias, Manuel Oquendo, Julio Buitrago, likewise, the President of the Assembly of the FID, Ernesto Antón, accompanied by the director of Informatics, Vincenzo Cammarano and the members of the Advisory Commission of the FidelityLucas Guittard, (see) Manuel Oquendo (USA), Pedro Ruiz (ESP) and Gerardo Restrepo (COL).

The main themes will include the deferral of the world of Domino of Jamaica (per couples and single), which was scheduled for the month of June of this year, as well as the next world of dominoes team and Individual to be held in the month of September of this year, in Venezuela and of which we are awaiting the designation of the city and the corresponding hotel-sede.

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