In compliance with the Federal Circuit of the Federation Venezuelan of Domino "FVD", Saturday 31032012 at Madairense the Cumaca Social Centre, San diego Carabobo State, was played the 1st. Championship national category: open, category Individual female and male corresponding to the year 2012, in accordance with the new regulations of the Federation Venezuelan of Domino "FVD" which States that the State Associations may only participate with a maximum of twelve (12) athletes in both sexes, i.e. 24 athletes by respective State Association in the national championships of Domino.
I must point out that the attention of the Association of Carabobo was excellent filling all expectations inherent in the contest, achieving an excellent day where all attendees enjoy the corresponding attentions, the Association of State awarded the work in the course of the years our dear friend DON MARCOS HERNÁNDEZ, a figure beloved in all social circles of the country especially by his co-workers and friends of Domino, continuing with the Protocolares acts of the event, there were distinctions and plates to personalities that collaborate daily with Domino Carabobeña, no doubt are: School of engineers of Carabobo State, and the Board directive of the Centre Social Madairense of the Cumaca. Also all attendees associations, enjoy our beloved national music, harp, bass, Cuatro and Maracas, who presented us with pieces of the Venezuelan Folklore and where the President of the Federation Venezuelan of Domino "FVD", Professor EFRAIN VELÁSQUEZ, delight us playing a Pajarillo, demonstrating extensive knowledge in the song and national music, as a wonderful present for all attendees State delegations.
Friends, sometimes we do not know when will damage the machines, but unfortunately not everything is perfect, we had to live a unexpected delay, by unforeseen technical failures with the computer system, which were corrected with the competence of the Federation programming team, which once again sold out its best efforts, to achieve excellence in the proceedings of the Federated events.
J1 ten and eight (18) state associations, which wore during the day and much of the night, the symbols of their respective States, engalanando a beautiful Saturday of the organized Domino of Venezuela.
Then the results of the Women's:
- Medalla de Oro: LINA GUEVARA / Estado Miranda / 8 Ganados y 1 Perdido.
- Medalla de Plata: DULCE RUIZ / Estado Miranda / 8 Ganados y 1 Perdido.
- Medalla de Bronce: BLANCA BOLÍVAR / Estado Bolívar / 8 Ganados y 1 Perdido.
- 4to. Lugar: ELDA FLORES / Estado Carabobo / 7 Ganados y 2 Perdidos.
- 5to. Lugar: YARITZA CHAUDARI / Estado Bolívar / 7 Ganadas y 2 Perdidos.
The men's results:
- Medalla de Oro: LEONARDO RAMÍREZ/ Estado Yaracuy / 9 Ganados Invicto.
- Medalla de Plata: ROBERT ZAMBRANO / Estado Lara / 8 Ganados y 1 Perdido.
- Medalla de Bronce: EDGAR ROJAS / Estado Yaracuy/ 8 Ganados y 1 Perdido.
- 4to. Lugar: FABIO LEONARDO A. / Estado Yaracuy / 7 Ganados y 2 Perdidos.
- 5to. Lugar: WILLIAM RIOS FELCE / Estado Carabobo / 7 Ganados y 2 Perdidos.
As it can be seen from the observed results of the women's, competition was extremely tough, because from the first to third in the contest, ended with 8 WINS and 1 lost games deciding the positions corresponding to the podium, with Average points obtained during the nine completed rounds.
They may also see the results of the men's, that the athlete: LEONARDO RAMÍREZ of the Yaracuy State, stayed for all the competition UNDEFEATED, something really difficult to achieve and if you want to strange, I must also highlight the magnificent performance of the selection state of Yaracuy, where three of his athletes were located in the first four positions of the event.
My most sincere congratulations to each of these athletes who rose to the podium and the State associations that attended a responsible and disciplined manner this 1st. National Championship selections State Domino.
Would also like to very especially thank the Lords: VÍCTOR ADANTE, VERÓNICA CARCAMO, AURA ELENA FERNÁNDEZ, VICENTE ROSETTI and MARCOS HERNÁNDEZ, President and other members of the Board directive of the partnership of Domino of the Carabobo State, who have contributed their best efforts in logistics deployed for the enjoyment of all and every one of the attendees. Photography: Henri Pittier National Park. Until the next installment.
1 comentario:
Buenas tardes, ante todo fecito a todos los miembros que con su granito de arena aportado hacen posible la realizacion de este deporte. exelente me parece su pagina muchas noticias actualizadas ect para beneplacito de todos los dominocistas hago una pequeña observacion referente a la pagina suya como la de la federacion con respecto a los resultados y el ranking este ultimo de como quedarian los atletas por mes siendo un poco mas claro pido al igual que muchos de lo que formamos participaciones en los distintos torneo estando seguro de eso la siempre actualizacion del ranking ya que es muy raro la vez cuando en la pagina de la federacion esta actualizado pensando que su blog es el mas completo refierendonos a este deporte solo para que reciba un premio novel jajaja faltaria este detalle o observacion seguro estoy que muchos de sus usuarios estarian pidiento esto saludos de antemano profesor y que la pagina siga siendo por muchos años la mas completa del domino.....
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