martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

News from the world of Domino city of Valencia - Venezuela 2012

Dear friends, this evening from Tuesday 18/09/2012 I will be with you all through this dear Blog, with regard to the words of the Lords: Professor EFRAIN VELASQUEZ RAMOS and of Don LUCAS GUITTARD, Presidents of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD" and International Federation of Domino "FID" respectively, where declare opened the "IX Championship MUDIAL DE DOMINO", in the forms of:

Women's INDIVIDUAL Championship – 19/09/2012 Wednesday.
Men's INDIVIDUAL Championship – 19/09/2012 Wednesday.
World Tag Team Championship - Thursday 20/09/2012.
World Team Championship - Friday 21/09/2012.

Also informed them that starting tomorrow Wednesday 19/09/2012 at night, I will be giving them results for men's and women's individual Championship Honor roll. Photography: Lucrecia mascot of the world of Domino.

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