friends, with great pride and satisfaction that have fulfilled, I would like to
inform you that our dear "BLOG", above to the amount of: sixty
thousand readers (60,000), it is easy to pronounce it but really there to go
off-road, this obviously happens thanks to all you who have motivated me enough
to continue writing about the wonderful mind game called "The
DOMINO", where it is worthwhile to say, that we believe all the owners of
the truth. I would also point out that since the month of December 2011 where
we come to the amount of forty thousand (40,000) readers to date, we have
achieved in just 10 ten (10) months reach this beautiful figure, the amount of
sixty thousand (60,000) readers internationally is definitely significant, so
it gives me great satisfaction, but above all it gives me motivation to
continue speaking to each one of you through this wonderful platform Internet.
asserting as what I have maintained from the beginning of my writings, this
wonderful game of the mind is completely "Disociador", as us faces
not only against two opponents, but also sometimes with our own comrades and
friends, stressing that not everyone knows to lose, well this comment is valid
and all without exception have experienced. Would also like to inform you that
I have just published my 1st. book about the so-called Domino: El Domino a
Disociador game, but as we like!, which brings together anecdotes, history and
current concepts of this wonderful sport, which does not escape universal axiom
applied to sport, as for example, the Domino as all sport is updated over time,
concepts that had a wonderful effect by space of several decades includingtoday
left open space for modernity and the updating of each one of them.
Then let
me tell you the names of the countries who have read my pages, since the month
of February of the year 2008, then describe the names of the CIENTOOCHO (108)
countries of five continents (05) who have visited these pages, I've allowed
sorted alphabetically and ten ten way to facilitate the identification of each
of these countries:
Alemania, Andorra, Angola, Antigua y Barbuda, Antillas
Neerlandesas, Arabia Saudita, Argelia, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba.
Australia, Austria, Azerbaiyán, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados,
Bélgica, Buthán, Bielorrusia, Bolivia.
Brasil, Burkina Faso, Camboya, Canadá, Chile,
Colombia, Corea del Sur, Costa de Marfil, Costa Rica, Cuba.
Dinamarca, Ecuador, Egipto, El Salvador, Emiratos
Árabes Unidos, Eslovaquia, España, Estados Unidos, Estonia, Filipinas.
Finlandia, Francia, Georgia, Grecia, Granada,
Guadalupe, Guatemala, Guayana Francesa, Guinea Ecuatorial, Haití.
Honduras, Hungría, India, Indonesia, Irak, Irlanda, Islandia,
Islas Turcas y Caicos, Israel, Italia.
Jamaica, Japón, Jordania, Kazajstán, Kuwait, Letonia,
Líbano, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malasia.
Marruecos, México, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Noruega,
Países Bajos, Pakistán, Panamá, Paraguay.
Perú, Polonia, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reino
Unido, República Checa, República Dominicana, Rumania, Rusia.
San Cristóbal y Nevis, Santa Lucía, Senegal, Serbia, Singapur,
Sri Lanka, Sudáfrica, Suecia, Suiza, Tailandia.
Trinidad Tobago, Túnez, Turquía, Ucrania, Unión
Europea, Uruguay, Venezuela y Vietnam.
thank you thank you very much for having shared the reading of each of my
writings, which I try to improve as much as possible and always within my
powers of Dominocista and repeat, with the sole intention of improving the
quality of game of each of you and trying to eradicate the "Dirty"
game, which does not teaches us absolutely nothing, which does not leave us any
satisfaction, I think that is the wrap with crime, really deplore the Seine on
the Domino game, as you can see you, everytime I mention to the "Señeros",
it is to censor these aberrant Domino, you disculparán me, but it really
bothers me the dirty game and with advantage.
Until the
next post, where I will continue updating valid concepts of this wonderful game
of mind and news from national and international Domino Best regards Amigos.
Photo: Baptism of my book of Domino - Sep. 2012.
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