Also emphasize that in comparison with 2010, where the offer was: Open Pairs, there was a greater attendance, ie in 2010 was 398 athletes and 2011 was 352, resulting in a decrease of 46 Athletes I think that this decrease was the result of the change of mode (for Individual Pairs), since many of us do not like the Individual Event, we will always be predisposed to this type of competition, does not leak until the quality of players attendees.
Following are the results of the top 20 of the 1st. Event:
- Medalla de Oro: EDGAR RODRIGUEZ (Estado Miranda).
- Medalla de Plata: - IVAN ESTEBAN LUIS (Distrito Capital).
- Medalla de Bronce: ISRAEL DAVID (Estado Aragua).
04. Alfredo Gutiérrez (Estado Anzoátegui).
05. Patrizia Rosciano (Distrito Capital).
06. Liguar Silva (Estado Miranda).
07. Alirio Mijares ( Estado Miranda).
08. Fedy Alí (Estado Miranda).
09. Rosa Navarro (Estado Miranda).
10. Rafael Frías (Estado Yaracuy).
11. Ildemaro Figera (Estado Falcón).
12. Nelson Gutiérrez (Estado Miranda).
13. Magaly Josefina Cárdenas (Estado Miranda).
14. Eleazar Bastardo (Estado Aragua).
15. Rafael Bullones (Estado Lara).
16. Alberto Mier y Terán (Estado Aragua).
17. Pierr Casibe (Estado Cojedes).
18. Lucymar Gamboa Moya (Estado Miranda).
19. Yoxman Ruiz ( Estado Miranda).
20. Roberto Buraye (Estado Aragua).
Notably, the Athlete Edgar Rodriguez, Miranda State Association, remained unbeaten throughout the competition by winning the Nine (9) games played, always showing his wide quality of play and sportsmanship that characterizes him, bravo Cubano Ti actually you were phenomenal.
As planned as they were made the usual awards and recognition, noting that the nomination of "Athlete of the Year, Miranda State received the following Awards: Women, Men and Boys Honorable Mention also informed them that Anzoátegui State Association, received an Honorable Mention in the Women then will indicate the names of those honored:
Yolimar Guevara / Female Athlete of the Year / State of Miranda.
Ariani Figeroa / Honorable Mention Female Athlete of the Year / Anzoátegui State.
Wilmer Prada / Male Athlete of the Year (Miranda State).
William Rivers Felce / Honorable Mention Male Athlete of the Year (Miranda State).
In closing I will say that this time the protocol acts and Logistics undertaken was truly extraordinary, he felt the immense desire of the Board of Directors of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD", to give a radical change to the Domino Venezuela, the new " Regulations "so requires and provides, I must give credit for other pleasant to the President of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino" FVD "Professor Efrain Velazquez, which is running its best efforts to make this wonderful game of mind, a sport full of Gallantry and Honor, bravo for You (Companerito) and the equipment that accompanies you, once again were bordering the margin of excellence . Finally highlight the work of Arbitration, each day take root best referees Domino Lords Venezuela, thanks to the dedication and commitment to constantly perform Gentlemen Camarano Vicente, Enrique Paiva and Willy Beherens. Until the next installment.
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