On behalf of the International Domino Federation, we wish you the best welcome to the world of Domino everyone here in this great process up where we are united in sportsmanship, talent and friendship.
From the "greenest" countries, with its fullness of color, and which emphasizes human development, quality of life and whose democracy is one of the oldest in Latin America, emerging sport brilliant figure in Domino refreshing San Jose, Costa Rica.
The International Federation in an effort to promote and develop the domino ages between 14 and 18, the day began yesterday, when I Tournament Quick Count of dominoes, the system developed brilliantly by the president Domino Federation of St. Petersburg, Vladimir Korneev, Public School "Juan Rafael Mora Porras, located in Barrio Mexico, San José, the first sport, adapted to mathematics, carried out in Latin America.
Now our challenge is to the values that make up the "Fair Play", based on discipline, effort and talent, because our sport has lights, and in turn, has shadows.
And finally, we cherish will, working with sports bodies of the nations attached to the IDF, in order to obtain the status recognition of outstanding contribution to sport as Domino, to allow subsequent entry into the Olympic arena, joining the example of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino that is an active member of the Venezuelan Olympic Committee.
Friends, friends, athletes and executives present: The greatest display of maturity and expression of sport, we are building on a culture of success and growth virtuous to Face Competitive Dominoes.
Thank you very much ..!
Photo: Temple of Music in the Park Morazán
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