He then described the Honor Roll of the first ten positions of Event:
Gold Medal:
Venessa Carrillo - Alexander Lamb State / Miranda / 9 Won 0 Lost.
Silver Medal:
Thalia Miled Costa m. - Pierre Casib / State Cojedes / 8 Won 1 Lost.
Bronze Medal:
Lucymar Gamboa - Edgar Rodríguez State / Miranda / 8 Won 1 Lost.
Fourth Position:
Yolimar Guevara - Pascual Darbesi State / Miranda / 7 Wins 2 Losses.
Fifth Position:
Rosa Alfonso - Cesar Camejo State / Miranda / 7 Wins 2 Losses.
Sixth Position:
Mauri White - Mervin Romero / Anzoategui / 7 Wins 2 Losses.
Seventh Position:
Nilda Velásquez - Edward Perez / State Cojedes / 7 Wins 2 Losses.
Eighth Position:
Lina Guevara - Carlos Marquina State / Miranda / 7 Wins 2 Losses.
Ninth Position:
Maria Figuera - Luis Figuera / State Delta Amacuro / 7 Wins 2 Losses.
Tenth Position:
Carolina Mendez - Ali Fedy State / Miranda / 7 Wins 2 Losses.
I am very pleased to highlight the results observed in one of the most enjoyable games of Dominoes Venezuela and see the Honor Roll within the likes of my dear VANESSA CARRILLO, who had enough time away from the Podium Dominocistas also my dear companion and partner in this type of event the beautiful CAROLINA MENDEZ, who occupied prominent positions also warmly congratulate one of my recent students as is the beautiful ROSITA ALFONSO, who held a prominent position on the Honor Roll, and of course begins to excel in the Federated Events.
No doubt it was a great competition and all without exception my warmest congratulations and prepare for what will be the Venezuelan Dominoes Classic, which will be played for the first time in the history of Domino organized "National Mixed Team Tournament," about will tell you this: when I was technical director of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD" by the year 2008 I thought how interesting it would be confronting a mixed team event, which was accepted and approved by the Assembly Delegates "FVD" and is scheduled for stage on 20 August this year, I dare predict no doubt that this event will be "dominated Venezuelan Classic". Photo Sunset in the City of Puerto Ordaz to the next installment.
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