Dear Friends, I was talking with my dear friend Enrique Joel Paiva Salas, Member of the Board of Directors of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD" and Principal Member of Technical Committee of Dominica, the "FVD", asking which is the foundation of a "technical meeting" getting it fully Institutional responses and a high knowledge of the sport, so do not hesitate to share with you, because without a doubt the Venezuelan Federation of dominoes "FVD" continues History Dominoes Venezuela, on Friday 02/12/2011, will be a milestone with the completion of universally called "technical meeting".
First I will tell you that our beloved game called Mind Sport of Domino debut as official discipline in the National Games, a fact to be recorded in detail because from that moment is going to talk about a prior and after this momentous event for any organized sport.
In this regard I point out below how was scheduled Associations representing the States, which will have the great honor to compete for victory in the following categories: Individual and couples, the individual will be held on Saturday 03/12 / 2011 and the Pairs competition on Sunday 04/12/2011. The sixteen (16) Associations State Authority to compete are:
Anzoategui, Apure, Aragua, Bolivar, Carabobo, Cojedes, Delta Amacuro, Distrito Capital, Guárico, Lara, Miranda, Monagas, Sucre, Trujillo, Yaracuy and Zulia.
All attendees are composed Associations Athletes Four Men and Four Women, a coach and a delegate, ie ten (10) people.
It is important to the community, what are the reasons for which are set prior to the competition "The technical meeting" are meetings convened by the Competition Organizing Committee, represented this time by the Board of Directors of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD", where they assist with the mandatory nature of the Associations State Authority delegates attending, not only to be informed of all organizational aspects of the event, but also in order to contribute their observations and look for conditions that deprive Competition, such as:
Legal basis of competition:
• Sports Act, the Regulations of the Sports Act, Constitution of the National Games, Statutes and Regulations of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD".
Establishment of competition authorities, namely the Technical Committee, which shall be composed of:
• Director General, Technical Director, Program Director, Referee and Referees.
• Declaration of Fair Play (Fair Play) as a fundamental principle of competition.
• The competition schedule, clearly indicating the official start time of competition.
• The methodology for processing and sorting of results, ie Swiss System Competition.
• The functions and powers of the delegates and participants Trainers States. Methodology and periods for filing complaints or grievances, due process.
• The award of the competition.
• The protocol for the opening of sports both as to the close of the competition, including acts of awards.
• Delegations inscribed by States, reading. (Delegates can make comments, including objections, which would remain legal).
• Uniformity
• Any other notification of interest for the normal development of competition: food, logistics, transportation, etc.
From the above described due for a record (for which I recommend opening a book just for these events) where it should settle among other things the following:
• Place, time and date of installation, persons attending and their roles in the event, Accreditation of Delegates detailed agenda items to be discussed, conclusions, place, time and date of the completion and signing of the last question.
Undoubtedly, this institutional initiative is another demonstration of the desire of the Board of Directors of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino, especially to its Chairman Professor Ephraim Velásquez, significant achievements and important to be left for posterity.
Wishing you the best of luck to the participating State Authority Associations, again I congratulate the Board of Directors of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino, to continue building the history of this wonderful mind game called "Domino". Photography: Hawksbill Turtle Mascot National Games 2011. Until the next installment.
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