Dear friends, such that as planned, on Saturday 28/01/12 at the premises of the beautiful Club Campestre lived in the State of Miranda, began of Domino organized in Venezuela, in compliance with the start of the Federal Circuit, promoted by the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD", with the traditional "apertura" tournament, under the following categories: category over, form open Individual.
It is admirable the convening power of the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD", achieving the participation of ten and eight States of all the regions of the country with the assistance Record 528 athletes on this occasion, in this regard allow ourselves make a small account of what has happened in the past in this regard:
Year 2010 form open tag, participation of athletes 398.
Year 2011 Individual open mode, participation of athletes 352.
Year 2012 Individual open mode, participation of athletes 528.
Looking at what has happened in these last three (03) years, we can infer the following, in the year 2012 breaks attendance Record for this type of event, when you register for 528 athletes, which compared to the year 2011 observed an increase of 176 athletes, no doubt totally representative figure.
Also highlight that in the year 2010, the modality of this tournament was: open tag, by what they infer that the decrease observed when comparing the 2011 vs. 2010, definitely was the change of mode in the event, and that this decrease in the inscriptions was 46 athletes.
Definitely true of the case is that the Board directive of the Federation Venezuelan of Domino "FVD", continues to write the history of the Domino organized in Venezuela, no doubt is the reward for the sustained effort from its President Professor EFRAIN VELASQUEZ and equipment that accompanies it, I want to also do Honor to the arbitration body headed by Mr. VICENTE CAMARANO, which increasingly is seen best and more willing to attend the event athletesin all the senses and all aspects coordinating everything relating to the contest.
Following the results of the first 20 places in the "apertura" national tournament:
-Gold Medal: MARIA ELENA VILLEGAS (Carabobo State).
-Silver Medal: ALEXANDER Lamb (Miranda State).
-Bronze Medal: WILVER GONZALEZ (Apure State).
04 Arturo Abreu (Trujillo State).
05 Ronald Vásquez (Zulia State).
06 Carlos Marquina (Miranda State).
07 Juan Velásquez (Cojedes State).
08 Luis Figuera (Delta Amacuro State).
09 Henry Zárate (Apure State).
10 Vincenzo Rossetti (Carabobo State).
11 Miguel Vera (Apure State).
12 Freddy Gomez (Carabobo State).
13 José Lujis Quiñónez (State rushing).
14 Felipe Florio (Capital District).
15 Freddy Suniaga (Yaracuy State).
16 Eleazar Benítez (Zulia State).
17 Zulma Martínez (Carabobo State).
18 Francisco Oyarzábal (Miranda State).
19 Pascual Darbisi (Miranda State).
20 Raphael Bullones (Lara state).
It should be noted that the athletes: MARIA ELENA VILLEGAS and ALEXANDER CORDERO, of the associations of the Carabobo States and Miranda respectively, remained undefeated during all competition winning nine (9) made games, deciding the gold medal by effectiveness, looks certainly interesting to see growth of Venezuelan women in organized Domino, demonstrating not only its beauty, but also his talent, my most sincere congratulations for MARIA ELENA really were great.
Also proceeded to give the recognition by the awards and recognitions accustomed, stressing that the "Athlete of the year" nomination, Miranda State received the following awards: women's, men's and the mention of Honor in women's and men's, also proceeded to the exoneration of corresponding athletes to the minor, in the categories Domino: U-12, U-15 and U-18s in both genders.
Lucymar Gamboa Moya / athlete of the year in women's / Miranda State.
Vanessa Carillo Zapata / mention of Honor athlete of the year in women's / Miranda State.
Carlos Marquina / athlete of the year male (Miranda State).
Pascual Darbisi / mention of Honor athlete of the year male (Miranda State).
Plaques of recognition were also awarded to the following people and institutions:
-. Club Campestre lived.
-. Intense group.
-. Naval hotel in Catia La Mar.
-. Leader of the year: Victor Adante, Carabobo State.
-. Mention leader of the year: Mark Castellano, Yaracuy State.
-. Association of the year, Been Delta Amacuro.
-. Association of the year award - Been Carabobo.
-. Members of the Commission Venezuelan Federation of Dominos technique of the year 2011 gentlemen: Willy Behrenz, Enrique Paiva rooms and William rivers Felce.
Finally tell the Protocolares acts and commenced logistics was really extraordinary, felt the immense of wishes the Board directive of the Federation Venezuelan of Domino "FVD", of the Venezuelan Dominoes continue giving it a Radical change, based on the need to update and adjust the "rules of the Federation, as a result of the demands of this wonderful game of mind called"The dominoes", criteria they sufficiently discussed and approved by the members of the Assembly of delegates during its realization (27/01/2012)anyway I think that it is scratched once again the margin of excellence. Until the next delivery.
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