Dear friends, all successfully made the concentration of athletes from the Domino Venezuelan typically coordinated by the Commission technique of the Federation Venezuelan of Domino "FVD", through the Lords: ENRIQUE JOEL PAIVA SALAS, WILLY BEHRENZ, VICENTE CAMARANO and MIREYA BRICEÑO, was really a day of maximum interest to all Venezuelans athletes, that this concentration would give origin to the national selection of women and male with the right to represent us at international competitions scheduled for the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD".
Accordingly I have the pleasure to inform you the results corresponding to this Venezuelans Domino athletes concentration, carried out during the days 16, 17 and 18 March, the naval Hotel in Catia La Mar, located in the Vargas State.
As usual and institutionally, were called the first 20 athletes of both sexes who arrived during the year 2011 at the national Ranking, the concentration of athletes of the year 2012, the day had written tests of single selection (56) and 6 questions of development later during the days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, come the confrontation of all against all competition, nineteen (19) items in both sexes, the points to make in the concentration, would be added to the "scale" of each athlete achieved throughout the year 2011, as a result of his performances in the Federal Circuit of the Federation Venezuelan of Domino "FVD", Obviously those who were at the top of the national rankings had the natural advantage by their points earned throughout the year 2011, however it could be that athletes in side positions, took the forefront of the competition and those who were in the top simply could not maintain, this resulted in a totally clean way, without benefits and competitive (19) all encounters against everyone for civic and honorable, giving as a result the new national team of Venezuela for the 1st. semester of 2012, then the names of each of the new members and their respective Federal entity:
National team of female Venezuela:
1er. Puesto: Yolimar Guevara / Estado Miranda.
2do. Puesto: Vanessa Carrillo Zapata / Estado Miranda.
3er. Puesto: Omaira del Valle Zabala / Estado Anzoátegui.
4to. Puesto: Lucymar Gamboa Moya / Estado Miranda.
5to. Puesto: Ligia Mercedes Romero / Estado Miranda.
6to. Puesto: Judasmín Mata / Estado Miranda.
7mo. Puesto: Lina Guevara / Estado Miranda.
8vo. Puesto: Belitza Rodríguez / Estado Aragua.
Venezuela in men's national team:
1er. Puesto: Carlos Luis Marquina / Estado Miranda.
2do. Alexander Cordero / Estado Miranda.
3er. Puesto: Jhon Carlos Celis / Estado Miranda.
4to. Puesto: Puesto: Alonso José Rodríguez / Estado Miranda.
5to. Puesto: Jairo Alberto Cordero / Estado Miranda.
6to. Puesto: Jorge Luis Marcano / Estado Bolívar.
7mo. Puesto: Pascual Darbisi / Estado Miranda.
8vo. Puesto: Engels Prada / Estado Bolívar.
My most you sincere congratulations to the new members of the national team of Venezuela, with faith and hope that this year will achieve podium again, demonstrating the high competitiveness of the Venezuelan team both women's and men's. All athletes that are today members of our national Team, may remind you that they must observe due respect and good behaviour in the forthcoming national and international contests, demonstrating pride and dignity gained such a high distinction. Until the next installment.
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