Dear friends, with great pride
and satisfaction that have met, allow me to inform you that our dear
"BLOG", above to the amount of: eighty thousand readers (80,000), it
is easy to say it, but you really have to take ground, obviously this happens
thanks to all you who have motivated me enough to continue writing about the
wonderful mind game called "DOMINO", where it is worthwhile to say,
we all believe the owners of truth.
Then allow me to draw your
attention to the names of the countries who have read my pages, from the month
of February of the year 2008, then describe the names of one hundred twenty
(120) countries of five (05) continents who have visited these pages, I have
allowed to be sorted alphabetically and fifteen in fifteen way of facilitating
the identification of each of these countries:
Alemania, Andorra, Angola, Antigua y Barbuda, Antillas Neerlandesas, Arabia
Saudita, Argelia, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Asia/Pacific Region, Australia,
Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bélgica, Buthán, Bielorrusia, Bolivia, Brasil,
Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Camboya, Canadá, Chile, Chipre.
Colombia, Corea del Sur, Costa de
Marfil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Croacia, Dinamarca, Ecuador, Egipto, El Salvador,
Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Estados Unidos. Estonia.
Estonia, Filipinas, Finlandia, Francia,
Georgia, Grecia, Granada, Guadalupe, Guatemala, Guayana Francesa, Guinea
Ecuatorial, Haití, Honduras, Hungría, India.
Indonesia, Irak, Irlanda, Islandia,
Islas Turcas y Caicos, Israel, Italia, Islas Caimán, Islas Vírgenes de los
Estados Unidos, Jamaica, Japón, Jordania, Kazajstán, Kuwait, Letonia.
Líbano, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malasia,
Marruecos, México, Moldavia, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Noruega,
Países Bajos, Pakistán, Panamá.
Paraguay, Perú, Polonia, Portugal,
Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reino Unido, República Checa, República Dominicana,
Rumania, Rusia, San Cristóbal y Nevis, Santa Lucía, Senegal, Serbia.
Singapur, Sri Lanka, Sudáfrica, Suecia,
Suiza, Tailandia, Taiwán, Trinidad Tobago, Túnez, Turquía, Ucrania, Unión
Europea, Uruguay, Venezuela y Vietnam.
thank you thank you very much for sharing the reading of each of my writing,
which I try to improve as much as possible and always within my powers of
Dominocista and repeat, with the sole intention of improving the quality of
play from each of you and trying to eradicate the 'Dirty' play, which teaches
us not quite nothing.
Up to
the next installment, I will continue where updating valid concepts of this
wonderful game of mind and news from national and international Domino Saludos Friends.
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