Dear friends, it is the time of "Hold en Grande", finally the Domino "FID" International Federation approves the "International of Domino Championship", I think it is a great success from the "Fidelity", that responds to a delayed decision, it is true, but never too late when joy arrives.
On many occasions as Technical Director of Venezuela and as an athlete, I have been observing the effort of the "ladies of the DOMINO Venezuelan", competing against the men of any decent, milestones, etc., seeing the way as beautiful as they run each of their moves and above all that talent that adorns the garbo and the beauty of the Venezuelan woman.
I am very proud and I will honor the pages of this Blog, with the name of the President of the Federation Venezuelan of Domino "FVD" Professor EFRAIN VELASQUEZ, who has spared no effort, bringing the world the female representation of the Venezuelan women, on equal terms and conditions of the men's team of the Venezuelan national selection, it is selection national female and male, undoubtedly has been and is one of the main promoters of this extraordinary and desired achievement.
I must also admit proudly efforts that everyone without exception and particularly my colleagues of the technique National Commission "FVD" Domino, (Willy Beherez, Enrique Paiva and Myself), have been depleted our best efforts and training female national selection of Venezuela, always with the hope of reaching the "DOMINOES female in his maximum expression", it is only valid in international competitions.
By the reasoning contained in this small writing, but without any doubt very heartfelt, congratulations again to the International Federation of Domino "FID" and the Venezuelan Federation of Domino "FVD", with the firm conviction that no doubt is and will always be a wise decision, which I will give early "Flower and fruits", finally to my dear ladies of the Venezuelan Domino and the ladies of the international Dominoes Congratulations to the end "The met". Until the next installmen
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